All You Need To Know About Baby Sit And Stand Double Stroller

This is a unique kind of a stroller that you may consider for two of your children. This is a smart buy only if one of your kids is fairly, say about one or two years older than your younger child. It is a slightly expensive stroller kind but with a wide range of features it gives absolute value for money. The workmen who built these strollers keep in mind the important factor of a standing baby which means they have to build the stroller with stronger suspension which is able to hold the extra weight.

The special features

Some of these strollers come with the feature which allows the older baby to stand while the younger one is snugly seated on the seat with a canopy to protect her from bad weather. It is unique in the sense that although it light weight, it is strong enough to carry a standing child. Special care is taken to make the suspensions stronger that hold the standing baby firmly. They have a large storage space which has extra pockets to hold parental accessories. Some of these strollers also come with the feature of a removable back seat which can be adjusted to make it a double seater.


Special safety measures

The safety of your child is most important for the workmen who build these models. They have added additional security measures to baby trend sit and stand double stroller models. These strollers have a five point harness which ensures your baby is tightly strapped to the seat, four point suspension that is sturdy enough to hold two babies, one of which is standing, locked foot brakes that immediately halts during tricky roads with the risk of the stroller overturning and the wheels are coated with tubeless tires that provide for smooth running of the stroller even on rough roads.

Reviews by parents

Parents who have an infant and a toddler often go for these strollers and have really good double stroller reviews to give about these products. They are extremely pleased with the many attractive qualities of these strollers and are happy with the workmen’s concern for safety. These strollers are light weight even though they are equipped to hold a baby and a toddler. Reports of these strollers breaking down while having babies on board are never found over the internet. Parents who have used them say it is advisable for you to first know your needs and then splurge on these strollers.

Additional perks offered

The best things that attract the parents to buy these strollers are the facts that they are way less bulky than the side by side strollers and easy to push through narrow doorways or lanes. They are also lighter in weight than the tandem strollers and easier to fold and pack in the trunks of your car. The light weight also ensures they are easy to push around on roads by the parents.  It is advisable that you buy these strollers to give your toddler a sense of freedom from being always pushed around in stroller doing nothing. They are a smart buy and is good value for your money.

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